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S'han trobat 308 ítems

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out url icon Recercat Impact of density-dependent migration flows on epidemic outbreaks in heterogeneous metapopulations Ripoll i Misse, Jordi ; Avinyó Andrés, Albert ; Pellicer Sabadí, Marta ; Saldaña Meca, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 agost 2015 Impact of density-dependent migration flows on epidemic outbreaks in heterogeneous metapopulations Ripoll i Misse, Jordi ; Avinyó Andrés, Albert ; Pellicer Sabadí, Marta ; Saldaña Meca, Joan
out url icon Recercat Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case Coromina Soler, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case Coromina Soler, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case Coromina Soler, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case Coromina Soler, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Importancia de la invariancia de medida de la confianza a través del tiempo: el caso de España = Importance of Measurement Invariance of Trust over Time: the Spanish Case Coromina Soler, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 26 març 2015 Incorporació de la lògica borrosa en l’estudi de la viabilitat dels nous projectes empresarials Linares Mustarós, Salvador
out url icon Recercat Incorporació de la lògica borrosa en l’estudi de la viabilitat dels nous projectes empresarials Linares Mustarós, Salvador
media icon DUGiMedia 5 setembre 2012 Incorporating human behaviour in epidemic dynamics: a modelling perspectives Kiss, Istvan Zoltan
media icon DUGiMedia 5 setembre 2012 Individual-based closed-loop modeling of epidemics Scoglio, Caterina
doc icon DUGiDocs abril 2008 Integro-difference equations for interacting species and the Neolithic transition Fort, Joaquim ; Pérez Losada, Joaquim ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Massaneda Clares, Josep M.
out url icon Recercat Integro-difference equations for interacting species and the Neolithic transition Fort, Joaquim ; Pérez Losada, Joaquim ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Massaneda Clares, Josep M.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2005 The internal wave field in Sau reservoir : Observation and modeling of a third vertical mode Vidal Hurtado, Javier ; Casamitjana, Xavier ; Colomer, Jordi ; Serra Putellas, Teresa
out url icon Recercat The internal wave field in Sau reservoir : Observation and modeling of a third vertical mode Vidal Hurtado, Javier ; Casamitjana, Xavier ; Colomer, Jordi ; Serra Putellas, Teresa
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Language extinction and linguistic fronts Isern Sardó, Neus ; Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Language extinction and linguistic fronts Isern Sardó, Neus ; Fort, Joaquim
media icon DUGiMedia 7 setembre 2012 From Markovian to mean-field models; results and challenges Kiss, Istvan Zoltan
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2023 Mathematical analysis of a Sips-based model for column adsorption Aguareles Carrero, Maria ; Barrabés Vera, Esther ; Myers, Timothy G. ; Valverde, Abel
out url icon Recercat Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians Fort, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2009 Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians Fort, Joaquim
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